Secondary Schools
Mission Statement
The CATA SSATC aspires to build a network of secondary school Athletic Trainers within the state. The SSATC will work to educate those who work in and with student-athletes in the secondary school setting about the profession of athletic training and provide guidance and support for secondary school Athletic Trainers.
Strategic Directions
Support Associations who could provide assistance to the CATA-SSATC
Build a communication network mentoring program for SS ATC's
Increase Visability of CT ATC's with SS
Committee Members
If you would like to contact the SSC, please email us at catasecschools@gmail.com
Jessica Testani, MS, LAT, ATC
Head Athletic Trainer Watkinson School
Lauren Hodge, LAT, ATC
Head Athletic Trainer Ellington HS
Heather Wenninger, MS, LAT, ATC
Head Athletic Trainer Middletown HS